Roundwood export
EU calls on Ukraine to lift the roundwood export ban
The European Union has called on Ukraine to lift the moratorium on the export of roundwood, as well as to introduce administrative and institutional reforms and ensure the functioning of an efficient and transparent administrative system. “The EU encouraged Ukraine to continue fighting vested interests in order to improve the business and investment climate and eliminate swiftly trade irritants, such as the wood export ban,” according to the statement following a meeting of the Council of the Ukraine-EU Association, held in Brussels. “Particular focus should be on effective and timely implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, and to further facilitate trade and eliminate technical barriers to trade, including as regards customs procedures, technical regulations, sanitary and phytosanitary systems as well as food safety reform, public procurement and the... Continue reading →
December 19, 2018
EU calls on Ukraine to lift the roundwood export ban
The European Union has called on Ukraine to lift the moratorium on the export of roundwood, as well as to introduce administrative and institutional reforms and ensure the functioning of an efficient and transparent administrative system. “The EU encouraged Ukraine to continue fighting vested interests in order to improve the business and investment climate and eliminate swiftly trade irritants, such as the wood export ban,” according to the statement following a meeting of the Council of the Ukraine-EU Association, held in Brussels. “Particular focus should be on effective and timely implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, and to further facilitate trade and eliminate technical barriers to trade, including as regards customs procedures, technical regulations, sanitary and phytosanitary systems as well as food safety reform, public procurement and the... Continue reading →
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March 1, 2017
Record roundwood prices in New Zealand during February
The export prices for New Zealand logs increased for every grade. The average wharf gate price for unpruned A-grade logs advanced to $128 a tonne in February 2017. This is the highest level since AgriHQ records began in late 2008, while prices for various K-grades haven't been this high since the early- mid 1990s. The $166 a tonne recorded for export pruned logs was firmer than any of the previous six months, although lower than the first half of 2016 Moreover, the shipping rates to the country's main export destinations decreased. The rate to New Zealand's largest export market, China, went down 1%, while South Korea and India decreased 3%. Log exports from New Zealand reached 15,913,512 m3 in 2016, 9% more than in the previous year. Out of this, 69% went to China, while other 17% of the logs reached South Korea, AgriHQ's survey of exporters, forest owners and sawmillers... Continue reading →
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December 19, 2018
EU calls on Ukraine to lift the roundwood export ban
The European Union has called on Ukraine to lift the moratorium on the export of roundwood, as well as to introduce administrative and institutional reforms and ensure the functioning of an efficient and transparent administrative system. “The EU encouraged Ukraine to continue fighting vested interests in order to improve the business and investment climate and eliminate swiftly trade irritants, such as the wood export ban,” according to the statement following a meeting of the Council of the Ukraine-EU Association, held in Brussels. “Particular focus should be on effective and timely implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, and to further facilitate trade and eliminate technical barriers to trade, including as regards customs procedures, technical regulations, sanitary and phytosanitary systems as well as food safety reform, public procurement and the... Continue reading →