Eucalyptus pulplog prices in Brazil have fallen over the past year to their lowest levels in three years
Pulpmills in Brazil had some of the lowest wood fiber costs in the world in the 2Q/19. Over the past three years Eucalyptus pulplog prices have fallen while the global Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) has trended upward to reach its highest level in four years. Lower operating rates at the major pulp mills in Brazil and healthy inventory levels of wood fiber took pressure off prices of Eucalyptus pulplogs in the 2Q/19. Eucalyptus pulplog prices have been on a roller-coaster ride since 1988, mostly due to fluctuations in the exchange rates and changes in the fiber demand/supply balance. Following a 15-year period from 1988 to 2003 when prices fluctuated between US$20- 50/odmt, prices took off and trended upward for almost eight years to reach an all-timehigh in the 3Q/11. From 2011 to 2015, prices fell substantially to reach an 11-year low in the 4Q/15, which was followed by a... Continue reading →
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Sawmills in the US Northwest struggle to build log inventories for the winter season
Sawmills and pulpmills in the US Northwest have been struggling to build log inventories for the winter season because of the unusually long fire season this year. Increased competition for small-diameter logs in the four states of the US Pacific Northwest has resulted in a higher share of logs being consumed by sawmills, thus leaving many pulpmills with low log inventory levels going into the 4Q/17, reports the North American Wood Fiber Review. Overshadowed by BC’s unprecedented wildfire season, the US states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana also experienced a significant and disruptive wildfire year. By early September, almost two million acres of forest and rangeland had burned in the US Northwest. Harvest operations across the four states have been hampered by restrictions on operating hours, disruptions in transportation, and loggers diverted to fighting... Continue reading →
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October 24, 2019
Eucalyptus pulplog prices in Brazil have fallen over the past year to their lowest levels in three years
Pulpmills in Brazil had some of the lowest wood fiber costs in the world in the 2Q/19. Over the past three years Eucalyptus pulplog prices have fallen while the global Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) has trended upward to reach its highest level in four years. Lower operating rates at the major pulp mills in Brazil and healthy inventory levels of wood fiber took pressure off prices of Eucalyptus pulplogs in the 2Q/19. Eucalyptus pulplog prices have been on a roller-coaster ride since 1988, mostly due to fluctuations in the exchange rates and changes in the fiber demand/supply balance. Following a 15-year period from 1988 to 2003 when prices fluctuated between US$20- 50/odmt, prices took off and trended upward for almost eight years to reach an all-timehigh in the 3Q/11. From 2011 to 2015, prices fell substantially to reach an 11-year low in the 4Q/15, which was followed by a... Continue reading →
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Eucalyptus pulplog prices in Brazil have fallen over the past year to their lowest levels in three years
Pulpmills in Brazil had some of the lowest wood fiber costs in the world in the 2Q/19. Over the past three years Eucalyptus pulplog prices have fallen while the global Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) has trended upward to reach its highest level in four years. Lower operating rates at the major pulp mills in Brazil and healthy inventory levels of wood fiber took pressure off prices of Eucalyptus pulplogs in the 2Q/19. Eucalyptus pulplog prices have been on a roller-coaster ride since 1988, mostly due to fluctuations in the exchange rates and changes in the fiber demand/supply balance. Following a 15-year period from 1988 to 2003 when prices fluctuated between US$20- 50/odmt, prices took off and trended upward for almost eight years to reach an all-timehigh in the 3Q/11. From 2011 to 2015, prices fell substantially to reach an 11-year low in the 4Q/15, which was followed by a... Continue reading →