Exports in Finland’s forest industry expected to rise in 2014 and 2015
The world economic growth and a slight economic recovery in Europe will improve the outlook for the Finnish forest industry, says a new study of the Finnish Pellervo Economic Research Institute (PTT). Export income of the whole forest sector will rise this year as well as next year. Development within the forest industry will continue to divide. Paper production and exports will decrease, but exports of sawnwood, pulp and paperboard will rise, while the profitability of the Finnish forest industry will slightly improve. More paper machine closures expected, paperboard production to increase Despite the slight economic recovery, paper production will decrease in Finland this year 3-5 per cent and next year 4-6 per cent. The demand has been trending downwards for many years as paper has been replaced by electronic communications. The same trend is expected to continue in the... Continue reading →
April 13, 2014
Exports in Finland’s forest industry expected to rise in 2014 and 2015
The world economic growth and a slight economic recovery in Europe will improve the outlook for the Finnish forest industry, says a new study of the Finnish Pellervo Economic Research Institute (PTT). Export income of the whole forest sector will rise this year as well as next year. Development within the forest industry will continue to divide. Paper production and exports will decrease, but exports of sawnwood, pulp and paperboard will rise, while the profitability of the Finnish forest industry will slightly improve. More paper machine closures expected, paperboard production to increase Despite the slight economic recovery, paper production will decrease in Finland this year 3-5 per cent and next year 4-6 per cent. The demand has been trending downwards for many years as paper has been replaced by electronic communications. The same trend is expected to continue in the... Continue reading →