India: Trade in some dalbergia species resumes
As a result of active intervention by the Indian Ministry of Commerce and the Forest Department a resumption of trade in of some dalbergia species has become possible. CITES notification No. 2018/031 dated 26 March 2018 details the extent of the changes agreed. 1. The Management Authority of India has informed the Secretariat that the Government of India has banned the export for commercial purposes of all wild-taken specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III, subject to paragraph 2 below. 2. India permits the export of cultivated varieties of plant species included in Appendices I and II and has indicated that all products, other than the wood and wood products in the form of logs, timber, stumps, roots, bark, chips, powder, flakes, dust and charcoal, produced from wild sourced (W) Dalbergia sissoo and Dalbergia latifolia and authorized for export by a CITES... Continue reading →
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May 17, 2018
India: Trade in some dalbergia species resumes
As a result of active intervention by the Indian Ministry of Commerce and the Forest Department a resumption of trade in of some dalbergia species has become possible. CITES notification No. 2018/031 dated 26 March 2018 details the extent of the changes agreed. 1. The Management Authority of India has informed the Secretariat that the Government of India has banned the export for commercial purposes of all wild-taken specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III, subject to paragraph 2 below. 2. India permits the export of cultivated varieties of plant species included in Appendices I and II and has indicated that all products, other than the wood and wood products in the form of logs, timber, stumps, roots, bark, chips, powder, flakes, dust and charcoal, produced from wild sourced (W) Dalbergia sissoo and Dalbergia latifolia and authorized for export by a CITES... Continue reading →
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India: Trade in some dalbergia species resumes
As a result of active intervention by the Indian Ministry of Commerce and the Forest Department a resumption of trade in of some dalbergia species has become possible. CITES notification No. 2018/031 dated 26 March 2018 details the extent of the changes agreed. 1. The Management Authority of India has informed the Secretariat that the Government of India has banned the export for commercial purposes of all wild-taken specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III, subject to paragraph 2 below. 2. India permits the export of cultivated varieties of plant species included in Appendices I and II and has indicated that all products, other than the wood and wood products in the form of logs, timber, stumps, roots, bark, chips, powder, flakes, dust and charcoal, produced from wild sourced (W) Dalbergia sissoo and Dalbergia latifolia and authorized for export by a CITES... Continue reading →