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September 6, 2016

China boosts imports of hardwood logs

Chinese hardwood log imports totalled 7.79 million cubic metres, or 30% of all log imports, a year on year increase of 26% in volume. Hardwood log imports were mainly from PNG (1.77 million cu.m, up 20%), Russia (1.14 million cu.m, up 26%), Solomon Isalnds (1.09 million cu.m, down -7%), Equatorial Guinea (0.54 million cu.m, up 85%), the US (0.34 million cu.m, up 7%), Germany (0.27 million cu.m, up 37%), Mozambique (0.26 million cu.m, down -12%), the Republic of Congo (0.25 million cu.m, up 5%), France (0.25 million cu.m, down -19%) and Cameroon (0.24 million cu.m, down -21%).
Ranked top 10 countries supplying China’s hardwood log imports in the first half of 2016

Tropical sawnwood imports m3 2015/2016 % Change
Thailand 1.890.000 31%
Gabon 142.000 -16%
Indonesia 131.000 9%
Phillipines 130.000 -16%
Malaysia 113.000 -15%
Laos 55.000 -17%
Cameroon 42.000 -33%
Ecuador 31.000 38%
Peru 26.000 0%
Cambodia 18.000 8%

Data source: China Customs
Tropical log imports rose 8% to about 4.77 million cubic metres, accounting for 20% of all log imports and 61% of all hardwood log imports.
Ranked top 10 countries supplying China’s tropical log imports in the first half of 2016

Hardwood log imports m3 2015/2016 % Change
PNG 1.770.000 20%
Solomon Is. 1.090.000 -7%
Equatorial Guinea 540.000 85%
Republic of Congo 250.000 5%
Cameroon 240.000 -21%
Nigeria 210.000 -18%
Laos 130.000 2%
Ghana 90.000 192%
Liberia 80.000 33%
Malaysia 60.000 -51%

Data source: China Customs
The average prices for imported softwood logs, hardwood logs and tropical logs were US$112, US$262 and US$395 per cubic metre respectively, down -7%, -16% and -11%. However, the prices for softwood log imports from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and tropical log imports from Liberia rose 5% and 33% respectively


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